Thursday, 25 May 2006

ORANGE (not green....!)

Take this test at Tickle

Your true color is Orange! You're a bold, confident orange. A warm, powerful color that indicates a strong, welcoming personality, orange is the mark of people who are social and extroverted by nature. Vibrant, with an upbeat attitude, you have a bright, inviting demeanor. Energetic and fun-loving, you're a real friend-magnet. Your easy charm and unassuming manner make you the sort of person people want to meet and get to know better. Well-rounded and fun to be around, you enjoy helping others, so it's no surprise that orange also symbolizes attraction. Orange is an extraordinary color — for an extraordinary person.

What's Your True Color?

Brought to you by Tickle

Saturday, 13 May 2006


It is Saturday. In Singapore, this was my favourite day. I got to hang around with my closest friends, and I got to dance.
It is Tokyo, and it is raining, dark and cold today. The weather is a perfect reflection of how I am feeling right now... But I have wallowed in my sorrows for the last 2 hours, and I refuse to do it any longer! So... I am going to do what Nic "asked" me to do a while ago, and fulfill my duties as a "tagged person".

So the first question is, what on earth was I doing 10 years ago?
At 11! WOW, so long ago. So I was pre-meeting-very-significant-person-me.... and I was in Singapore (I am now in Japan for those of you who are veeeerrrrryyyy slllooooowwww or who have a horrid memory). Um, I would probably say that I was still an incredibly lazy student, enjoyed being with boys more than girls... Exactly 10 years ago right now, I probably wouldve been at DANCE ARTS! hehe, where my ladies are at right now I hope! In any case, I guess the one thing that I have in common with 10 years ago me is that I still love to dance. What else? I still hadn't quit ballet? and I didn't worry every single day about my future! Come to think of it, I am going to try to regain that aspect of my 11 year old self.

Hmmm. the next question is 5 songs that I know all the lyrics to off the top of my head right now!
This is hard cause right this minute I am listening to "harder to breathe" by Maroon 5 and I seem to know all the lyrics to it! (but I actually don't listen to it that often!). in any case, let's say: Harder to Breathe by Maroon 5, Take me or Leave me by 2 ladies of RENT, For you I will (Confidence) by Teddy Geiger, 10 years time by Gabrielle, AND.... No Tomorrow by Orson - well there's one line that I cant quite catch! hehe (and I still know MANY MANY MANY songs by Mariah Carey and am very proud of that!)

The next one is Five things I would do if I were a Millionaire
Wow... This is a very good one. Incredibly unoriginal but something we all think about no? To be honest, what I am about to answer, I am not sure if I could do with a million. I can't quite grasp the concept of having a million.
Pay for my brother's, sister's education and my post grad education.
Take my family on a holiday to Phuket.
Take my friends on a holiday to wherever they wanted, or pay for them to come over here!
Buy a house that I can share with J.
Save some.

Hmmm. This is a toughie. Five Bad Habits. I'm not quite sure if I have any.
I worry WAYYYYY too much
I procrastinate
I obsess about my future
I'm at times too emotional for my own good
I spend too much money
(this question was done in less than 3 seconds. hehe)

Five things that I like doing. - Please bear in mind that I can't do half of these things right now which obviously makes me quite a sad person.
Spend time with J.
Spend time with my Dance Arts buddies. Esp. D, Nic, Li, Dai, Spam.
Shopping and Eating with friends, family, or J, or all at the same time.
Traveling with J. Friends. Family.

Five things that I will never wear, buy or get again... WHAT? So difficult leh.
1. Ooh. I got one. In Japan, during the big summer or winter sales they have this thing called "fukubukuro", inside these "fukubukuros" they have let's say 3-4 ANONYMOUS items from the particular brand (eg. Ms Sixty which is where I bought mine!)... They will charge say 5000 yen (approx. 75 sing dollars?) for this bag (you have NO idea what's inside). The items inside the bag would have an accumulated cost of something like 30000 yen so it seems pretty cool. But anyway, my sister and I bought one each. She had a pair of jeans, a shawl, and a black top. I had a pair of red corduroys, socks, and a see through netted VERY ugly black shirt. I ended up taking most of her stuff, and I NEVER wear the red corduroys, or the very ugly netted black shirt... So basically, I will never buy EVER AGAIN a fukubukuro. But sometimes, it's SO tempting.
2. Hmmm... this is for some reason so difficult. I will (try never to) get high heel shoes. See what I did there? I KNOW i am going to end up getting some. But the moment I usually wear heels, I'm like "WHY???" so I will try not to get heels ever again.
3. Cheap Shoes, UNLESS (and this is important) it's a HUGE discount from an originally good shoe brand or something. I have to agree with nic on this one. They give me blisters.
4. I will never wear, higher than belly button pants.
5. Cropped Tops. Never ever again.

Five Favourite Toys/Things
Wedged GREEEEEEN and blue Diesel sandals
Photos, and thus camera
Creative Player and my funky headphones
My Jeans
My rings and my Winnie-the-Pooh watch

Thanks Nic for giving me something to do!

Saturday, 6 May 2006

While Keita was at football... the rest of us: One Day of "Golden Week" in Nikko

Mar and I on the Ginza line to Asakusa - where we got on the TobuNikko line to go to Nikko!

Water bus from Asakusa that goes to Odaiba! Went on it with a special someone not too long ago, but the weather was shittier then! Anyway, just a nice pic of the Sumidagawa River (me thinketh!)

Me and Mar on a bridge at Asakusa

Me with my "宇宙に行く人みたいなヘッドフォーンズ" - ママ ("headphones that make me look like I'm going to space!"-mummy!) and my very smiley dad!

A pic on the move in the tunnel which leads to the..........

Absolutely stunning Kegon waterfallllll! (華厳の滝)

It was soooooo beautiful. It's a pity I have no idea how to add videos onto a blog, or if that's even possible, because a photo just does not do this waterfall justice. Apparently, many years ago, a Tokyo University student committed suicide here and left a beautiful but sad poem (but that is a TOTALLY different story.... ) Anyway, the weather yesterday was gorgeous, and this was definitely a sight worth getting up in the morning for.

Daddy, Me and Mar in front of the waterfall Mummy, Mar and I in front of the waterfall

My Mama and Papa

The waterfall's stunning fresh water comes from this calm, serene, beautiful lake. This picture is taken from the more touristy side which unfortunately was the only part of the lake we had time to visit yesterday. It was so peaceful being surrounded by mountains, and having the fresh water right in front of me. Lovely.

Me with the lake in the background

Me and Mar with the lake behind us

MY 21st BIRTHDAY! - 2 weeks late!

HEYLO! Sorry I haven't blogged in SO long - especially for not posting these birthday pics sooner! hehe. As most of you know, I have been sick since the 18th of April (2 days before my birthday, and was most sick on the 20th! BOOOOOHOOOOOO!) But now that I'm slowly feeling better, I am going to BLOG BLOG BLOG!
Hehe, sorry I suddenly found it funny again when D said to me, "You're sick again?!" haha - okay, lost my train of thought!

Anyhoooo, thanks so much to everybody who made my 21st so memorable! It was exactly as I wanted it except of course that on the 20th I actually couldn't taste my choco cake, and I choked on it as well!

On the 18th, Chris, Yuka, Aya and I went to a burger place in Shibuya, and it was DELISH! Thanks girls for taking me there, and for celebrating with me! Then we proceeded to take LOADS of purikura! hahahahaha, that was a laugh, especially since we got one more for free after I picked out the lucky colour in a "lucky draw" of some sort!

Also, thanks girls for having lunch with me on the 20th! and EVERYBODY for all the phone calls and the emails, and the MSN wishes! I hope next time we can ALLLL celebrate together! esp. my girlies in Sing, and in London! I missss you sooooooooooooooooo much!

Anyway, enough talk talk talk, time for some pics!

(I just noticed the little tummmy sticking out in my yellow shirt! hehe, sorry about that!)

hehe, Yuka eating a HUGE burger!

Very un-glam I know! hehe SORRRRY!

OOH! Pressies, and Yuka's eye peering through the plastic bag hole! BOO! hehe

hmmm! What's in this box?! (DELICIOUS cookies, and biscuits of all sorts from Spain, Italy, USA, England, Austria, Germany, Switzerland - YUMMMMM!)

Me and Chris, and pressies! I am holding earrings from YUKA! (Thanks Chris for the photos by the way! your new camera is wicked!)

Yuka, Me and Aya holding our Puri Kura, AND our ticket to one more free one! hehe, I was lucky that day wasn't I? Excuse the unflattering neo lights, (and noise which you can't hear) of the game centres in Japan! This is a UBER cool organiser thingy from MOMA that Aya, Chris and Yuka got me! The coloured thingies are like thick rubber bands, and basically you use it to trap various things! I have a polaroid shot of John and I that we took maybe 3 or 4 years ago, a postcard of Singapore that I got from Nic (THANKS!!!), 8 of diamond card (don't ask!), colgate! (don't ask either! haha), stapler, a wire for my Creative speakers, stickers, and my hair clips! Anyway, it is the COOLEST thing! Thanks SO much ladies!!!!


There's that cool organiser thingy that I've already mentioned (which now also features an uber cool "on the day you were born..." card from a special someone!), RENT CD (which is AWESOME), my Green leather bag!, my uber cool headphones! hehe, some LOVELY Elizabeth Arden products (I absolutely adore the Green Tea scent!), there's a ring underneath the perfume which is beautiful (I am wearing it right now!), there's the cookies on the right from many places, there's incense at the bottom which I am using right now actually (my room smells of lovely lime! - it's also very green!), and then there's the earrings that I adore! THANKS EVERYBODY! Hehe! There are also birthday cards which I couldn't add because I'm so very terrible at taking pictures and I can't fit them in! hehe!