I had the best time with the best people on Birthday Eve. Yes, I wish some of u from across the world could have been there too, but there's always next year!
Thanks to all those for making it SO memorable!
Me and Iku with Kai in the background!
Me and Iku with Masa on the right
Iku, Masa, Me, Daisuke and Chris
Yuka and Sachi
Tom, Yuki, Issey, Kai and John
I unfortunately was having SO much fun that I didnt end up taking so many pictures. I was posing a lot though with 3 more groups of friends! I have to get the pictures off Honey, Geb and Banri :)
Here are some pics of me opening pressies!
I am wearing the yellow slippers from Elena and Jap. I LOVE EM! Green and yellow are my favourite colours so I was super pleased (as u can see from my expression!)
I was making such a mess, but I was SO happy.... I spent about 3 hours quietly opening all of them by myself... John says it was his most peaceful 3 hours this year :)
I love this picture!
haha I look so intrigued..... and I was!
And finally..... just to showcase how lucky I am (hehe, please don't hate me). What girl doesn't like coming home to flowers? I am obsessed with plants and flowers at the moment... But unfortunately these are having a difficult time surviving the cold spring this year. I am determined to revitalize them though!
I am the happiest, and luckiest girl in the world. And I'm not going to take it for granted :)