Tuesday, 19 December 2006
My sincere apologies.........
So.... this post is just to tell u please come back again for sure because this blog aint dead yet.... its just temporarily semi out of service.
Lots of love and missing all of you from japan
Thursday, 26 October 2006
My 日本語。。。
ちなみにあんなが好きなインスタント商品はタイ料理屋さんで買えるTOMYAM Noodleです。
Ladies and gents, my bloody laptop is down again.... Will blog again when I get it running again! For the time being, hope all is well around the globe, and take care of urself! xxx
Monday, 23 October 2006
First Experience 初体験
I am now going to share with you a 'first time' experience. This is a questionnaire sent to me by Monkey Maya Maya (my Elektra buddy, and probably destined older sister). It will be good Japanese practice for me, and I will also try to translate the Japanese text into English! There may be some additional comments in English too!
ではでは早速始めましょう!マヤからのバトンバト~ン♪ So without further delay, let's begin! The questionnaire from Maya!
■あなたの一番好きなものバトン■ Your Favourite Things
□ ※複数回答不可!No multiple answeres allowed!※ ↑ここ重要!!1問につき答えも1個ですョ!! This is important! For one question, there can only be one answer!
■動物は? Animal? イルカ Dolphin
■お菓子は?Snack? Doritos Doritos (hehehe)
■料理は? Food? これすごい時間がかかったけど。。。ハイナン風チキンライス This took loads of time but... Hainanese Chicken Rice
■缶ジュースは?Canned juice? 100%のグレープフルーツ 100% Fresh Grapefruit Juice
■インスタント食品? Fast Food? マクドナルドのポテト Mcdonald french fries (D! Remember how we would go eat it on Saturdays!)
■寿司ネタは?Not quite sure about this one but favourite Sushi style? そんなに寿司に詳しくない。。。 I dunno that much about sushi...
■パンは?Bread? クランペット Crumpets
■ドンブリは?Donburi? (rice dishes... think Yoshinoya Singaporeans!) 親子丼 Chicken Donburi
■お酒は?Alcoholic drink? Malibu enough said.
■TV番組は? TV show? 今はHow I met your mother かな。。。でもちなみに見てるやつはDesperate Housewives, Prison Break, One Tree Hill, Lost, Las Vegas Right now, my favourite show is How I met your mother... But for the record right now I'm watching DH, PB, OTH, Lost and LV
■洋楽は? Music? たくさんありすぎるけど。。。今こってるのはBlack Eyed PeasのFergie! (ちなみにMariah Carey この間見たよ!ものすごく感動しました!小さい頃から大好きだったので!携帯ストラップまで購入!) I have loads of singers that I love.... But right now I'm super into Fergie from the BEPs (For the record, I watched Mariah Carey live the other day! It was soooooo impressive! Especially since I've liked her since I was really young! I even bought a telephone strap as a souvenir!)
■芸能人は?Celebrity? やっぱり二コールキッドマンかなあ? Umm.... Maybe Nicole Kidman after all?
■歴史上の人物は?Historical person? Gandhi
■作家は?Author? Paulo Coelho. 日本人作家だと村上春木(英語でしか読んでないけど)Paulo Coelho... My favourite Japanese author though is Murakami Haruki (although I've only read his books in English and not in Japanese)
■言葉は?Word? Love Love Love It's gotta be Love. Love. and more Love... hehe. I Love 'LOVE' - though its so overrated
■雑誌は? magazine? Glamour UK 日本雑誌だとモンキーマヤマヤと同じくGLITTER! Glamour UK... but if its a Japanese magazine, then it's the same as Monkey Maya Maya's fave, GLITTER!
■マンガは?Comics/Manga? Archie's Digest (大昔の話。。。最近はマンガ読んでません) I used to LOVE Archie as a kid.... but these days I don't really read comics
■映画は?Movie? やっぱりA Chorus Lineかな? Ultimately, it may be A Chorus Line?
■お店は? Shop? もちろんDiesel Tis gotta be Diesel
■洋服は?Clothes? 着心地がいいもの。。。デニムが多い。最近はちょっとフェミニンを目指してる。。。けど結果ゼロ。自分が持ってる洋服で一番好きなものはディーゼルのHedgy Lineデニム My fave clothes are comfy and feel good clothes... I wear denim most of the time. These days, I am trying to be slightly more feminine in the way I dress.... but the result is NADA! Out of the clothes that I own, my favourite piece of clothing would be my Diesel Hedgy Jeans
■靴は?Shoes? Comfy. 自分が持ってる靴で一番好きなものはシンガポールで買ったDKNYのグリーンのフラットシューズ My fave shoes must must must be comfy. Out of the shoes I own, the one I like best are the flat green shoes that I got from DKNY (on sale!) in Singapore
■香水は?perfume? エリザベスアーデンのグリーンティー Elizabeth Arden's Green Tea
■アウトドアスポーツは?Outdoor sport? テニス Tennis
■インドアスポーツは?Indoor sport? バドミントン Badminton (actually I'm not sure on this one but anyhooooo that's what I wrote in Japanese so...)
■装飾品・貴金属品は?Jewelry? ジョンからもらった指輪! the ring/s from J
■季節は? season? 夏 summer
■落ち着く場所は?Place where you feel relaxed and calm? Watashi no Heya...お店じゃなくって本当にあんなの部屋ね!Hehe My room... In Japan, there is a shop called 'watashi no heya' which translates as my room... so thats why i wrote watashi no heya! kinda like a sad attempt at a joke...........................
■旅行先は? favourite holiday destination? タイ Phuket, Thailand
■インターネットサイト?internet site? 絶対にPink is the new blog OFCOURSE, PINK IS THE NEW BLOG!
■ティッシュの銘柄は?Tissue brand? ハハハ。。。Kleenexです。。。絶対に町で配ってるティッシュは手に取りません。 Hehe! I actually have one.. Kleenex. I never ever take tissues that they hand out from the street (unless they absolutely force it into my hand.... yes, in Japan they hand out tissue on the street with advertisement inside!)
■アナウンサーは?announcer? CNNのSoledad?日本のアナウンサーとちょっと違う? I said, CNN's Soledad.... but I feel like Japanese 'announcers' are slightly different from English 'announcers' or 'reporters?!' I dunno!
■思い出深い曲は?Song with a lot of memories. I can love you like that by All 4 One.. 理由はいえない! I can love you like that by All 4 One although I can' t say why! And actually, there are more songs that would make the cut but it's one answer, and this is the first thing that came to mind!
■色は? Colour? グリーン グリーン (これでショック受けた人はあんなの友達じゃないですね。。。Hehe) Green Green. Those who are surprised by this are strangers to me.... or have failed to keep in touch! hehe. I still love you tho.
■麺類は? noodle type? モンキーマヤマヤと同じくおうどん! The same as Monkey Maya Maya, Udon.... Assuming this excludes pasta, and Chinese la mian. (is that how u write it? you know the stuff they have at Crystal Jade!)
■アーティストは?Artist? マーサロスラー Martha Rosler.... although I also love Degas, Miro and Lichtenstein amongst others.
○かならず6人名指しで指名してください The 6 people that needs to do the questionnaire next. or that I wanna tag? (is that blogspeak?)
光穂 (Is this kanji right?)
花(The erotic judge.....................)
Im also gonna tag
Arisa (youve been tagged above but just so u know that its u! RISA!)
i would tag D if she had a blog cause i love u to bits but since u dont..... and u dont update Mad Mamas!
Yang Pin
Trent! (of Pink is the New blog if he ever stumbles across my sad little blog! hahaha xxx)
P.S This took me bloody ages! and now I'm gonna be late for work so gotta dash! Next time, will update on seeing the lovely Mariah Carey live, and finding my (or 'our') new flat maybe? I love you loads me dahlings in Sing, England, States, Australia, and of course, Japan, (and anywhere else in the world!) you know who you are! take care!
Monday, 9 October 2006
Powerhouse of Women
This summer I have bought quite a handful of CD's... mainly CD's by women! Which is actually quite rare considering the fact that the bands or singers that I like are usually men (for whatever reason!) Matchbox 20, Rob Thomas, Five for Fighting, Coldplay, Gavin DeGraw, Switchfoot, Fuel, Teddy Geiger, John Mayer, Barenaked Ladies, Orson, Tim McGraw just to name a few! But this summer, I bought CD's by Fergie Ferg (I LOVE HER), Christina Aguilera, India Arie, Beyonce and Nelly Furtado. Mainly because I guess I did like their previous albums or their sound! Anyway, today, I thought I'd give my song recommendations and also let you know which album I have enjoyed the most so far!
I am absolutely loving:
- Irreplacable by Beyonce
- Listen by Beyonce (which is after a song called Resentment on her album... kinda like a secret song)
- Suga Mama by Beyonce (has a similar feel to Work It Out on her Dangerously in Love album)
- Ring the Alarm by Beyonce... the more and more I listen to it the more and more I like it!
- Big Girls Don't Cry by Fergie ... my absolute favourite of this summer. I LOVE the way her voice sounds in this --> makes me wanna dance (even though it's not a dance track and sing reallllllly loud!)
- Fergalicious by Fergie
- Clumsy by Fergie
- Mary Jane Shoes 'by' Fergie
- Get Your Hands Up by Fergie (ft. BEP so it's got the BEP sound)
- Ain't no other man by Christina
- Still Dirrty by Christina
- I got trouble by Christina
- Save me from myself by Christina
- The Heart of the Matter by India Arie
- Wings of Forgiveness by India Arie
- Better People by India Arie
- I am not my hair by India Arie (ft. Akon)
- Promiscuous by Nelly Furtado
- No Hay Igual by Nelly Furtado
- Te Busque by Nelly Furtado ft. Juanes
So anyway that is just a list of the songs that I am loving so much at the moment, and those that I have burned onto a CD so I can listen to it on my faithful discman (yes... my creative broke..... :-( )
AND.... my favourite CD of this summer is by the Duchess, Fergie Ferg! It has SO many great tracks which are danceable and is a very feel good album! And it's just that Big Girls Don't Cry is the best song that I have heard this summer and has such good vocals and a singable chorus! It just feels nice listening to it! Especially the bit where she sings "yes you can hold my hand if you want to, cause i wanna hold yours too" ... she just sings that bit so well! hahaha.
ANYWAY, i hope you had a great great summer... we are going well into autumn now, and i'm not looking forward to winter but i bought a lovely pair of brown boots (with heels!) so i guess i should semi-look forward to it! Hope all's well me dahlings. Love you all. xxx
Monday, 18 September 2006
I'm going to graduate next week.
Holy shit.
I had decided to try for different jobs and stuff... but every time I sit down to write my resume (in Japanese no less!), I realise I'm not ready to give up dancing yet.
I'm going to keep teaching for the next 6 months. Audition for shows if I can. Let's see how far I can go.
There's something scary about sharing your dreams with people.
Since I was little, I've shared my dreams with everyone. Even with strangers that would over time become friends.
It's scary because everyone knows when you fail.
More than two weeks have passed since I last wrote my blog entry. And a lot has happened. All has been good. I remember I was pretty low when I wrote that entry though...
First off, I graduated. I am sure it would have been a lot more fun if I graduated at the same time as my friends here, but I am so grateful that Y___ and S____ and mummy, daddy and grandmama came to see me! Since most people in the Japanese system don't graduate in September ours was a TINY ceremony but still.... definitely memorable.
Then, I auditioned for another dance company, and got turned down immediately (documentation screening). I still think it's silly that they can turn you down without even watching you dance... But anyway. It turned out for the better.
Then, I actually did end up writing a resume (in Japanese) and sending it off to D_ _ _ _ _ and today, I got the job. I'll be working part till Feb, then will have a full time job. So I'm sorted for the time being! Which is a HUGE relief for me, and my parents! The interview was all in Japanese but somehow I pulled through so I'm just terrible grateful that they are taking a chance with me!
Anyway, besides that I am just real excited about moving out and moving in. Of course, the first flat I find will definitely be located near my family's house so I can eat my mummy's meals and be with them! In another news, Schiz will be coming to Japan next year so I am absolutely delighted about that! Other than that, I have been spending so much time with my friends that it's just been an almost perfect 2 weeks (I've been sick).
As corny as it may sound, I just wanna say thanks to all my friends who have stood by me, and who have also made my Japan experience actually a lot of fun. I love you ladies, you know who you are. ;-)
Thursday, 31 August 2006
Summer's almost over... Let's take a look at the shopping I did! YAY!

There is a blue cardigan, dress, black pants, and spaghetti strap (pink, white, with purple flower and yellow straps) top which are from Diesel. White dance pants (which were gasp 900 yen!) and Grey and White Stripe top from Zara. White puffy sleeves from this shop at Parco Kichijouji, (GREEN) Sandals from Birkenstock which are SO worn in already, and hahaha, there's a Disney Ring on my dress together with earrings (109), and necklace (disney) that you can't see! 3 CD's, which are Christina Aguilera's Back to Basics, India Arie's Testimony: Life and Relationships, and Nelly Furtado's Loose. Also, there is a Winnie the Pooh small diary, and Khaki Pants from Tommy Hilfiger! Most of which I got in the Summer Sale - one of the reasons why I absolutely love Summer! Along with the hot weather of course which reminds me of Singapore and Phuket.
Milk Tea by 福山雅治
どうして 素直に言えないんだろう
本当はね いつでも思ってる
口下手なとこ 背が高いとこ
もうこの心 全部あなたのもの
笑って たまに叱ってくれる
本気でね 励ましてくれる
今夜夢で逢えたら うれしすぎて
同じバス停 雨の坂道
Rode on:
Big Thunder Mountain
Splash Mountain
Space Mountain
Buzz Lightyear's Adventures
Pooh's Honey Hunt (It's great, honest!)
Pirates of the Caribbean
Star Tours
We also got stuck on Big Thunder Mountain (roller coaster ride!) We were going up and up and up, getting ready for final descent. Our train like ride suddenly came to a halt while we were facing upwards. Then everything around us which was moving slowed down ever so slowly and then stopped. Then there was an announcement saying that the ride had stopped due to emergency reasons. So there we were, sitting at a strange angle for 30 odd minutes!
Then after half an hour, our ride finally was about to move. We all thought it would go up and then descend at a slow speed, but no it suddenly moved, and WHOOOOOSH off we went! haha, that was quite funny!
Anyhoo, here are some more pics from the very hot Disneyland!
Mummy and Keita on Big Thunder when it stopped. Yes, it was dark!
Me with Cinderella's Castle
Me and Mar posing with Cinderella's Castle in the background
Me and Mar with our Sensu
Me and Mummy
Sunday, 13 August 2006
プリクラ。。。Purikura (Neo Prints)
Mar and me with a crown!





Yuka, Me, Aya and Chris on me Bday!

Saturday, 12 August 2006
昨日はまりなと二人でカラオケ。真夏の果実、Tomorrow's Way、チェリー、Whole Again、Bad Day、津波、島唄、長い間、You're Beautifulやたくさん歌った。ママが好きな竹内マリアのマンハッタンキスとけんかをやめても歌っちゃいました。あと。。。もうずっと前から好きだったWandsの「世界中の誰よりきっと」もね。。。楽しかった一日だった。もちろんランチは例のタイ料理屋さん。あんなのお気に入り。
今日はメイコとディナー。新宿にあるIndian料理!おいしかった。もしかしたらあいちゃんのヨガの先生が好きなIndian Restaurant かな?本当においしかった。Authenticでね。Early dinnerにしたけど、結局6時から9時過ぎまでChat Chat Chat! 楽しかったよ、Mei! その後はプリクラなんか撮っちゃった!高校生のりでね!



Tuesday, 8 August 2006
Summer 2006 Part 2
My family (minus my brother who was away with his football group) and I went to IZU this weekend, and had a beautiful time. It's kind of strange because we left our house on uber early Friday morning, and came back late on Saturday night. The two days spent there was HOT, like 36 or so degrees hot, but it was LOVELY. Now, as I write this, there are three typhoons heading to Japan, one is already here and thus it is raining and very windy outside. And the place we went to over the weekend was actually on the news cause the train stations are flooded and what not... so we were really lucky!
Anyway, I spent hours and hours in the sea. My bikini (the blue one) was so old that the elastics were loose but that didn't stop me at all from just swimming and floating away! I can't even begin to describe my happiness at being on the beach, near the sea again. Those of you who know me well recall that I went to Phuket every single year since the age of 2... Since coming to Japan however I haven't been there! and so... you can imagine how happy I felt.
This is the second beach we went to. A rocky beach. Kawana Beach, Izu


Mar and I with the sea and mountain in the background... near Kawana Beach, Izu

Me and Mar, weirdos lying down on Kawana beach


Summer 2006 Part 1

- Journey to the Centre of the Earth three times
- Indiana Jones Ride twice
- Raging Spirit twice
- Aquatopia once
- Railway thingy once
- 20000 leagues under the sea once
That's quite incredible! Anyway, I had an absolute blast, and I'm super glad I got to ride on my fave ride three times!



Me with Centre of the Earth Volcano in the background! It's an awesome ride which involves a huge drop at the end in which you come out of the volcano! It's fantastic!
Me, Mar and mummy on Mickey Mouse train!
Mar and I with some of the Disneysea river in the background. My hair blown by the wind looks a bit odd! hehe
Me and Mar outside a shop at Disneysea - I love the way the whole themepark is modeled on old European towns!
Monday, 7 August 2006
Pics I promised...
Holy Moly, it's been AGES!
Since that time in June, I have been running around like a mad woman trying to fit work, school, and playtime all in one! hehe.
But now here I am, with no work, no school and just playtime for one whole week! YAY!
I went to Disneysea on Thursday the 3rd of Aug.
Then went to IZU, and swam swam swam, swam like I'll never swim again in the SEA. I didn't realize how much I'd missed that. Came back from Izu on Sat (my dad could only take a few days off) and am burnt and tanned all in one! Feels so gooood though, and I took loads of pics so I shall be posting them shortly.
But before that, I will go to dance and take dance classes from JOSHUA, who is here with the broadway show Moving Out, and I am EXCITED about that! If all goes well (if I can follow that is....) I will go again next week!
Monday, 26 June 2006
Anyway, hope all is well, and everyone has caught the World Cup fever like I have! hehe. I try to watch as many matches as possible BUT i have to wake up early so it's been tough tough tough. And in any case, Japan has seen themselves out very early! as have all our Asian couterparts! boooo! Oh well, I am still cheering for a whole wad of other countries! haha including England, Portugal, Argentina, Brazil, Spain and Ghana! haha. So many teams (and hotties) to choose from, what to do! hehe. Anyway, just enjoying the high class football (well, save the England games which have so far been fairly uneventful, "no flair and imagination" - says Time Magazine!)
Anyhooooo, other than the World Cup, I have been going to school and work the usual usual, and that has been going great, but also I have met up with Sachi who had left us for a year! and also, we did a FLEA MARKET and sold our old stuff so we have space in our cupboards to buy a bunch of new stuff come this summer sale! hahaha!
So here are some pics!


Yuka and I at our flea market spot at Yoyogi! It was SOOOOOOOOOOOO hot - and we were worried that it was gonna rain! hah! From 9am - 4pm, selling our stuff was like a full time job! (Sat. 24th June 2006)


The flea market began at 9am and we all ended up packing at around 4pm. It was so nice of Aya, Sachi, Mitsuho, Leslie-Ann, Lena, Jen to come stop by and it was a blast chatting with you all in the heat!
The best part about the day? When we used our earned coins to buy ice cream from Baskin and Robbins. I had a Small Triple Icecream with Waffle Cone with Rocky Road (YUM!), Nuts to yoU! (hehe), and Kick Off Crunch (what can i say? a world cup special!) and it was absolutely delish and to-die-for!
Thursday, 25 May 2006
ORANGE (not green....!)

Your true color is Orange! You're a bold, confident orange. A warm, powerful color that indicates a strong, welcoming personality, orange is the mark of people who are social and extroverted by nature. Vibrant, with an upbeat attitude, you have a bright, inviting demeanor. Energetic and fun-loving, you're a real friend-magnet. Your easy charm and unassuming manner make you the sort of person people want to meet and get to know better. Well-rounded and fun to be around, you enjoy helping others, so it's no surprise that orange also symbolizes attraction. Orange is an extraordinary color — for an extraordinary person.
What's Your True Color?
Brought to you by Tickle
Saturday, 13 May 2006
It is Tokyo, and it is raining, dark and cold today. The weather is a perfect reflection of how I am feeling right now... But I have wallowed in my sorrows for the last 2 hours, and I refuse to do it any longer! So... I am going to do what Nic "asked" me to do a while ago, and fulfill my duties as a "tagged person".
So the first question is, what on earth was I doing 10 years ago?
At 11! WOW, so long ago. So I was pre-meeting-very-significant-person-me.... and I was in Singapore (I am now in Japan for those of you who are veeeerrrrryyyy slllooooowwww or who have a horrid memory). Um, I would probably say that I was still an incredibly lazy student, enjoyed being with boys more than girls... Exactly 10 years ago right now, I probably wouldve been at DANCE ARTS! hehe, where my ladies are at right now I hope! In any case, I guess the one thing that I have in common with 10 years ago me is that I still love to dance. What else? I still hadn't quit ballet? and I didn't worry every single day about my future! Come to think of it, I am going to try to regain that aspect of my 11 year old self.
Hmmm. the next question is 5 songs that I know all the lyrics to off the top of my head right now!
This is hard cause right this minute I am listening to "harder to breathe" by Maroon 5 and I seem to know all the lyrics to it! (but I actually don't listen to it that often!). in any case, let's say: Harder to Breathe by Maroon 5, Take me or Leave me by 2 ladies of RENT, For you I will (Confidence) by Teddy Geiger, 10 years time by Gabrielle, AND.... No Tomorrow by Orson - well there's one line that I cant quite catch! hehe (and I still know MANY MANY MANY songs by Mariah Carey and am very proud of that!)
The next one is Five things I would do if I were a Millionaire
Wow... This is a very good one. Incredibly unoriginal but something we all think about no? To be honest, what I am about to answer, I am not sure if I could do with a million. I can't quite grasp the concept of having a million.
Pay for my brother's, sister's education and my post grad education.
Take my family on a holiday to Phuket.
Take my friends on a holiday to wherever they wanted, or pay for them to come over here!
Buy a house that I can share with J.
Save some.
Hmmm. This is a toughie. Five Bad Habits. I'm not quite sure if I have any.
I worry WAYYYYY too much
I procrastinate
I obsess about my future
I'm at times too emotional for my own good
I spend too much money
(this question was done in less than 3 seconds. hehe)
Five things that I like doing. - Please bear in mind that I can't do half of these things right now which obviously makes me quite a sad person.
Spend time with J.
Spend time with my Dance Arts buddies. Esp. D, Nic, Li, Dai, Spam.
Shopping and Eating with friends, family, or J, or all at the same time.
Traveling with J. Friends. Family.
Five things that I will never wear, buy or get again... WHAT? So difficult leh.
1. Ooh. I got one. In Japan, during the big summer or winter sales they have this thing called "fukubukuro", inside these "fukubukuros" they have let's say 3-4 ANONYMOUS items from the particular brand (eg. Ms Sixty which is where I bought mine!)... They will charge say 5000 yen (approx. 75 sing dollars?) for this bag (you have NO idea what's inside). The items inside the bag would have an accumulated cost of something like 30000 yen so it seems pretty cool. But anyway, my sister and I bought one each. She had a pair of jeans, a shawl, and a black top. I had a pair of red corduroys, socks, and a see through netted VERY ugly black shirt. I ended up taking most of her stuff, and I NEVER wear the red corduroys, or the very ugly netted black shirt... So basically, I will never buy EVER AGAIN a fukubukuro. But sometimes, it's SO tempting.
2. Hmmm... this is for some reason so difficult. I will (try never to) get high heel shoes. See what I did there? I KNOW i am going to end up getting some. But the moment I usually wear heels, I'm like "WHY???" so I will try not to get heels ever again.
3. Cheap Shoes, UNLESS (and this is important) it's a HUGE discount from an originally good shoe brand or something. I have to agree with nic on this one. They give me blisters.
4. I will never wear, higher than belly button pants.
5. Cropped Tops. Never ever again.
Five Favourite Toys/Things
Wedged GREEEEEEN and blue Diesel sandals
Photos, and thus camera
Creative Player and my funky headphones
My Jeans
My rings and my Winnie-the-Pooh watch
Thanks Nic for giving me something to do!
Saturday, 6 May 2006
While Keita was at football... the rest of us: One Day of "Golden Week" in Nikko

Me and Mar on a bridge at Asakusa
Me with my "宇宙に行く人みたいなヘッドフォーンズ" - ママ ("headphones that make me look like I'm going to space!"-mummy!) and my very smiley dad!
A pic on the move in the tunnel which leads to the..........
Absolutely stunning Kegon waterfallllll! (華厳の滝)
It was soooooo beautiful. It's a pity I have no idea how to add videos onto a blog, or if that's even possible, because a photo just does not do this waterfall justice. Apparently, many years ago, a Tokyo University student committed suicide here and left a beautiful but sad poem (but that is a TOTALLY different story.... ) Anyway, the weather yesterday was gorgeous, and this was definitely a sight worth getting up in the morning for.
Daddy, Me and Mar in front of the waterfall
Mummy, Mar and I in front of the waterfall
My Mama and Papa
The waterfall's stunning fresh water comes from this calm, serene, beautiful lake. This picture is taken from the more touristy side which unfortunately was the only part of the lake we had time to visit yesterday. It was so peaceful being surrounded by mountains, and having the fresh water right in front of me. Lovely.
Me with the lake in the background

